Clinical study of acupuncture treatment on motor aphasia after stroke.
OBJECTIVE:To study the safety and effectiveness of the Heart-Gallbladder acupuncture treatment for motor aphasia after stroke via clinical studies.
METHODS:Sixty valid patients were divided into two groups randomly with a ratio of 1:1. The treatment group was the Heart-Gallbladder acupuncture group and the control group was the conventional acupuncture group. The two groups underwent testing before and after treatments, which included: the Aphasia Battery of Chinese (ABC), the Chinese functional communication profile (CFCP), and the Boston diagnostic aphasia examination (BDAE).
RESULTS:All the BDAE, CFCP and ABC results showed a significant difference between the two groups after treatment (P< 0.05), indicating that the Heart-Gallbladder acupuncture treatment for motor aphasia after stroke can reduce the degree of aphasia and improve patients' daily communication skills more than the conventional acupuncture treatment. The Heart-Gallbladder acupuncture treatment is better than the conventional acupuncture treatments for motor aphasia after stroke, with significantly improved scores for fluency, repetition, naming, and reading.
CONCLUSIONS:Both the Heart-Gallbladder acupuncture and the conventional acupuncture are effective in the treatment of motor aphasia after stroke. Nevertheless, when compared to the conventional acupuncture, the Heart-Gallbladder acupuncture had better efficacy and it is safe as well.
KEYWORDS:Heart-Gallbladder treatment; Motor aphasia; stroke; tongue acupuncture
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OBJECTIVE:To study the safety and effectiveness of the Heart-Gallbladder acupuncture treatment for motor aphasia after stroke via clinical studies.
METHODS:Sixty valid patients were divided into two groups randomly with a ratio of 1:1. The treatment group was the Heart-Gallbladder acupuncture group and the control group was the conventional acupuncture group. The two groups underwent testing before and after treatments, which included: the Aphasia Battery of Chinese (ABC), the Chinese functional communication profile (CFCP), and the Boston diagnostic aphasia examination (BDAE).
RESULTS:All the BDAE, CFCP and ABC results showed a significant difference between the two groups after treatment (P< 0.05), indicating that the Heart-Gallbladder acupuncture treatment for motor aphasia after stroke can reduce the degree of aphasia and improve patients' daily communication skills more than the conventional acupuncture treatment. The Heart-Gallbladder acupuncture treatment is better than the conventional acupuncture treatments for motor aphasia after stroke, with significantly improved scores for fluency, repetition, naming, and reading.
CONCLUSIONS:Both the Heart-Gallbladder acupuncture and the conventional acupuncture are effective in the treatment of motor aphasia after stroke. Nevertheless, when compared to the conventional acupuncture, the Heart-Gallbladder acupuncture had better efficacy and it is safe as well.
KEYWORDS:Heart-Gallbladder treatment; Motor aphasia; stroke; tongue acupuncture
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